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The mysterious charm of aliens! Who would not want to meet one? Whether they are good or bad, extraterrestrials have always populated our imagination. What will be the reactions of humans in the face of creatures coming from space? And 'what we will discover in "Aliens Night", directed by Andrea Ricca, in which a young biologist will be face to face with alien creatures come to earth to kidnap her and perform experiments on his body. But the girl will not be a helpless victim and, fighting for her own salvation, will be able to overturn the fate of this adventure! There is certainly some touch of humor but above all an unexpected surprise at the end!

"ALIENS NIGHT", with special effects in 3D computer graphics, has already collected over 9 million views online, receiving positive reviews from Hammer Film, Horror Society, CGBros, Horror News, Fright Nights Fest and participating in numerous Film Festivals ("CLEVELAND COMIC WITH FILM SHOWCASE", "LOS ANGELES CINE FEST", "MIAMI FILM FESTIVAL", "AMERICAN HORROR FILM FESTIVAL", "FANTAFESTIVAL", "VIENNA FILM FESTIVAL", "BIG TERROR FILM FESTIVAL", "AMERICAN HORROR FILM FESTIVAL") and receiving the positive reviews of international magazines. Semi-Finalist Los Angeles Cine Fest. Directed by Andrea Ricca.


"It's a very impressive piece of work, and the special effects are great."


"Meraviglia, avventura, emozione. I suoi corti, più ancora che per gli effetti speciali ben fatti ed efficaci, incantano per il loro messaggio poetico e simbolico."

"The aliens look great and the computer effects are on the whole impressive."


"Andrea Ricca è uno tra i registi più apprezzati nel suo genere, un vero baluardo del cinema indipendente made in Italy."

"Wow!!!!! This is an amazing film!
You and your team are incredibly talented."
Kenneth Daniels Executive Producer


"Gli alieni di Andrea Ricca sono un fenomeno"

"We were very entertained!"


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